Return & replacement

Every product purchased from is protected with our hassle-free 7 days free return policy subject to our TOS. Please note that you should inform us as early as possible about any of your complaints, issues, or grievances regarding a delivered product. You can do it by simply calling at our customer support hotline or leaving a message to our facebook page. We aim to reply any customer support query within 24-48 hours.

You can return an item purchased from if the following conditions are met:

01. If you find that a wrong product has been delivered to you due to an unexpected error either by logistics company or our fulfillment department, then you will have 3 days to inform us about this error, and 7 days to return the item. A new replacement item will be dispatched as soon as we receive the wrong product. Under these kinds of circumstances, will bear the return cost.

02. If you find that the product you received is visually different from the product you ordered, then you will have 3 days to inform us about this issue, and 7 days to return the item. A new replacement item will be dispatched as soon as we receive the delivered item. Under these kinds of circumstances, you have to bear the return cost.

03. If you find that the item you received has somehow been damaged, broken, or scratched during shipment, then you will 3 days to inform us about this issue, and we may either instruct you to return the item or keep it free of charge. You must also send a good picture of the damaged parts of the item. Under this circumstance, we will bear the return cost and a new replacement will be issued free of cost.

04. If you find that there is a quality issue with the product after receiving it, then you will have 3 days to inform us about this issue, and upon checking the information you provided we will either issue a new replacement or a refund. Under this circumstance, we will bear the full responsibility for any additional costs which may incur.

05. If you find that there is no issue but a change of mind regarding the delivered item, then you will have 3 days to place an exchange request with another product. The product’s price must be equal or higher than the previous product and any difference in price must be paid in full. The original item must also be returned within 7 days.

06. The item must be unworn, unused, and untampered. Original packages, boxes, papers, and any other accessories must also be available to return with the item.

07. The item must not be intentionally damaged, scratched, broken, burnt, or disassembled, as such incidents can void the warranty of the product and may eventually disqualify a return without compensation.